Monday, May 21, 2007

Why do you blog anyways?

Is it because you know that there are friends out there who actually read what you scribble and care to comment?
Or is it because youwant to hold onto some small little memories forever - so that you can share with your someone special your youth?
Or is it just because you want to bear your heart out?
Or is it the excitement of connecting to a person you've never met but you know?
Or is it a platform for you to express yourself on topics you'd never have thought about otherwise?
Or is it because of the hope, that way into the future people will quote your blog ?!
Or is it just because you want to give that really cute guy sitting diagonally across some more time to pluck up his courage?
Or is it just because of want of something else better to do?


Arthy said...

haha!! reeall cool n solid stuff! you go girl!

Archun said...

solid???!! haha..I think this is the worst one the one we read years ago from my diary..the one where I wrote 'heads made of lead!!!'